1. Argentina
Argentina received a rating of “very high human development” on the 2011 Human Development Report, compiled by the UN Development Program. The South American powerhouse will also host the Argentina y Ambiente 2012 – an international congress aimed at addressing some of the world’s most challenging environmental issues.
2. The Bahamas
In 2011, the Bahamas banned shark fishing, protecting one of the most rich and diverse shark populations in the world. The Bahamas were also the highest ranked Ethical Destination country on the 2011 Human Development Report.
3. Chile
A regular on the Ethical Destinations list, Chile scored well with its environmental protection, particularly in sustainable fishery and forestry. Chile also scored high on the 2011 Human Development Report.
4. Costa Rica
Costa Rica scored incredibly high in the Environmental Policy Index (EPI). In fact, it was one of the top three nations in the world in that category. Costa Rica also adopted a groundbreaking gender equality policy last year, allowing women more social protection, economic autonomy and political participation.
5. Dominica
Dominica is working on an impressive renewable energy policy with plans to be carbon-negative by 2020. The small Caribbean commonwealth also signed a UN statement defending LGBT rights in 2011 – the only Eastern Caribbean country to do so.
6. Latvia
The European Commission awarded five sites throughout Latvia the EDEN Award for sustainable tourism. Latvia also scored high on social welfare, and Freedom House noted high levels of academic freedom and freedom of assembly.
7. Mauritius
In September, the World Health Organization reported that Mauritius has the second best air quality in the world. Mauritius also received the highest scores on the 2011 Human Development Report for the region.
8. Palau
Because of Palau’s enthusiasm for conservation efforts, it was chosen as a pilot for The Nature Conservancy’s Transforming Coral Reef Conservation program. The nation is also of note because education is free and mandatory through grade 12, with support services available for those who do not graduate.
9. Serbia
Serbia is developing five new hydropower plants, signed a historic declaration to establish a trans-boundary UNESCO Biosphere Reserve to protect nature and wildlife along the Mura, Drava, and Danube rivers, and signed the Protocol on Sustainable Forest Management – protecting Europe’s largest areas of old growth forest outside of Russia. Serbia also scored high on social welfare, particularly on child mortality rates. Furthermore, Serbia arrested two notorious war criminals this year – Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic - a commendable development in human rights.
10. Uruguay
Uruguay made notable strides in the areas of infant mortality, malnutrition and vaccination in children under five. This South American nation offers its citizens excellent water quality and forestry protection. It also announced that it will invest $150 million to re-settle thousands of people currently living in Montevideo’s hazardous shanty towns.
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